Best Scar Treatment For Acne

acne scar free girl

Have you been living a long time with your scars from acne breakouts? You don’t have to worry anymore. Treatment options for those scars are available. Get information at


Causes of Acne

Several factors are affecting the occurrence of acne breakouts. Acne affects different ages and genders. Acne occurs when there is a presence of oil and dead skins plugged in the skin’s hair follicles. The occurrence of acne is also affected by the build-up of bacteria in the pores of the face.

Additionally, for women, hormone levels are also a factor, especially during a woman’s period. It also includes the clothing and headgear worn, such as helmets or facemasks. Furthermore, air pollution, stress, medications, and genetics can cause acne breakouts. Check here more services that could improve your face.

Nowadays, depression has been a wide concern. Acne is one of its side-effects. Acne usually come out due to intense feelings of anxiety and stress. Feeling down and hopeless will increase the level of depression. Click here to get advice for depression.

By the same token, acne can also accumulate from the food we take. It is still advisable to eat healthy and nutritious foods.

The worst part of these conditions is the scars left after the acne dries out. Sometimes, scars are too visible, which somehow affects the self-esteem of a person. Your skincare practice is highly advisable to reduce or prevent acne.


How to get rid of acne scars

Proper skincare at home

Initially, you can do home remedies to avoid acne breakouts. We have mentioned some of them below. You can give them a try to initially work out your acne problems.

  1. a man doing his skincareYou have to clean your skin using a mild soap. This practice will help you remove excess oil and dirt present at your face.
  2. Keep your hair tied and avoid it from lashing your face.
  3. Choose the right makeup for you. It is better to use water-based makeup which will not clog your pores.
  4. Do not squeeze your acne, no matter how tempting it is to do so. It will only contribute to the spread of excess oil and dirt.
  5. It would be best to avoid touching your face. Your hands may have bacteria that can infect the face and produce acne.

A few natural skincare can also help you eliminate your acne quickly. You can also consider these ways while you do your skincare at home.

  1. Usage of tea tree oil.
  2. Use of other essential oils with anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Application of green tea.
  4. Moisturize your skin with aloe vera.

However, it is often tough to fight acne occurrence totally, and acne scars are often left behind. With this, let me give you some idea about how you can get them treated. Treatments for scars from acne fall under cosmetic surgery. A discussion with a cosmetic surgeon is necessary.


In-office treatments

  1. Dermabrasion: It is a process that removes the top layer of the skin. It can either use a laser or a wire brush specially made for this procedure.
  2. Laser treatment: Surgeons use this procedure to treat mild to moderate acne scars. There are two types of laser treatment, the ablative and non-ablative.
  3. Punch techniques: It is usually used to treat ice pick scars and boxcar scars. You can choose from three punch techniques depending on the severity of the scars.
  4. Subcision: Surgeons remove the upper layer of the underlying scar tissue. However, another set of additional treatment will follow to improve the appearance of the scar further.
  5. Fillers: They use this procedure to fill in the scars and make the skin even.
  6. Microneedling: It uses a small, handheld roller with needles over the surface of the scar.
  7. Injections: These are a series of treatment to raised scars, make them soft and flatten them afterwards.

The cost of each treatment varies accordingly. Some of them are expensive, while others are budget-friendly. It will always depend on the severity of your scars. Your surgeons will definitely evaluate you first before they decide which treatment is to be applied.


Best scar treatment

ageless beauty free from acne scarsYour best option to treat your acne scars is still to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Proper skincare should be put in practice to be acne-free or reduce their occurrence. It is equally important to maintain a healthy diet to achieve this condition.

If you do not perform preventive measures, you will end up living a long life with acne and its scars. It will indeed affect your level of confidence and self-esteem. Additionally, despite having the capacity, it may still cause you a fortune to undergo treatment from your trusted clinics. Some treatments do not take only one session. It can be several times before you achieve your goal.

Moreover, you should not expect a lot from the treatment. It may not entirely remove the scar, but only improve its appearance.

So, you better make a wise choice about your skincare now.

Author: Sarah Alexander