Do teeth whitening pens work: The simple truth

do teeth whitening pens work

Who does not want to have pearly white teeth? It is common knowledge that everyone is willing to try all dental means possible just to achieve those glowing white teeth, if they can afford it. This is why so many teeth whitening options are available not only at your dentist’s practice, but also at convenience stores, pharmacies, and supermarkets. All these products, from teeth whitening pens and strips to take-home whitening kits, would promise you whiter teeth in as early as one or two uses. The question is, are they safe for everyone?  For now, let’s focus on questions like do teeth whitening pens work? Are they safe to use without professional supervision? And what other whitening options should I get?


Teeth whitening options

teeth whiteningTeeth whitening is the number one cosmetic dentistry procedure in the world. It is because it will only make your smile even brighter without much fuss. So many home teeth whitening treatment preparations and recommendations are circulating the internet. Moreover, some dentists who recommend professional teeth whitening would offer affordable counterparts in the form of take-home whitening kits so they can do the procedure on their own in the comfort of their home. Because of the demand, so many other teeth whitening products are now available in the market, from tubes of toothpaste, gels, strips, and pens, all of them promising amazing results. But have you ever wondered if they are as safe as that of in-office teeth whitening? And do you know how they work?


Do teeth whitening pens work: An innovative product

With the popularity of teeth whitening reaching every corner of the globe, dental manufacturers find ways to follow the trend and provide products that people would surely try and invest in. Teeth whitening pens are what we can consider as complementary whitening tools. They are usually for touch-ups after a whitening session, either from your dentist or by yourself. Just use the pen to an individual tooth that you feel is not white enough so it can blend with the color of your other teeth and, voila! Instant brightness!


Do teeth whitening pens work: Are they safe?

If whitening your teeth is the top reason you want to buy teeth whitening pens, then we have to mention some issues about it. As mentioned earlier, whitening pens are intended for whitening individual tooth only. They are not formulated to have a high concentration of bleaching chemicals enough to whiten the whole upper or lower teeth. If that is your aim, then we suggest you avail of the professional teeth whitening procedure your dentist recommends, or you can avail of their customized take-home teeth whitening kits.

Another thing, teeth whitening procedures, even in-office treatments, can pose irritation and other dental complications. Generally speaking, gum irritation and tooth sensitivity may be expected, but because the concentration of peroxide as the bleaching agent is less than most whitening products, these side effects may be mild and tolerable.

Do teeth whitening pens work? Yes, it does. So if you are looking for a good whitening option to complement your previous whitening sessions, try teeth whitening pens. But if this is your sole product for whitening, you may probably be disappointed with the minimal results that you will achieve.

Author: Sarah Alexander