Link Between Abortion and Cancer to the Breast

abortion and cancer

Breast cancer is among the most common type of cancer and the leading cause of death in women. However, some women need surgery to remove their whole breast in order to survive. The breasts can be restored though with the help of breast augmentation but one must understand the after surgery effects of breast augmentation prior to getting it. Meanwhile, let’s take a look at the link betwen abortion and cancer to the breast.

Among the risk factors that predispose women to an increased risk of developing breast cancer is abortion. The link between abortion and cancer to the breast is mediated by a number of factors that mediate various mechanisms resulting in breast cancer development. These include;

Hormonal changes resulting in premature breast cell differentiation

During pregnancy, various reproductive hormones such as progesterone and estrogen are produced at high levels that initiate the mitotic division and proliferation of various breast lobules resulting in breast enlargement. Mature breast lobules have a reduced risk of developing cancer since they are not susceptible to carcinogenesis and have better DNA damage repair mechanisms. Termination of pregnancy results in reduced estrogen levels thus interrupting the differentiation of breast lobules. The immature and undifferentiated breast lobules have an increased risk of developing DNA damage and thus leading to cancer development. abortion and cancer

Termination of pregnancy also results in reduced production of the human chorionic hormone by the placenta that enhances the synthesis of inhibin A and B proteins that protect against the development of breast cancer.

Interrupted lactation due to reduced levels of estrogen and oxytocin

Lactation is known to protect against breast cancer by helping with the removal of chemical carcinogens that are known to cause breast cancer. However, termination of pregnancy interrupts lactation resulting in the accumulation of carcinogens increasing the risks of developing breast cancer.

Oxytocin hormone that stimulates the contraction of epithelial cells during lactation helps reduce the differentiation of breast cancer cells. abortion results in reduced levels of this hormone thus predisposing the breasts to an increased risk of developing cancer.

Lactation is also known to reduce the risk of breast cancer development by delaying the menstruation cycle. Interrupted lactation due to pregnancy termination results in an early onset of menstrual cycles that result in increased exposure of ovarian hormones to breast tissues resulting in breast cancer development.

Abortion and cancer risks can be minimized by avoiding unnecessary abortions except for medical reasons. This can help in preventing the increased incidence of breast cancer.

Author: Sarah Alexander