Looking for pregnancy facts? You have reached the right page. If you are planning to get pregnant or if you are already pregnant and looking to gain more insight about this wonderful journey you are about to embark on, enjoy the following article.
Pregnancy and the female body
It is no secret that the female body goes through drastic changes during pregnancy. However, all the pain, discomfort and sacrifice will all be worth it when you will have your little bundle of joy in your arms.
Pregnancy facts
The uterus size
Did you know that a during pregnancy, the uterus can grow up to 500 times its normal size?
Blood volume
A woman’s blood volume will increase to almost 40 to 50% more than her normal amount. Her heart will also have to grow in size to accommodate all the extra blood it will have to pump.
Various parts of a woman’s body will swell up during pregnancy, especially during the last trimester. Her nose, hands and feet may swell up. This swelling can account for almost half of the weight that a woman puts on when she is pregnant.
Voice changes
A woman’s voice can change slightly when she is pregnant.
Your baby can hear you
It is right to sing to your baby and talk to them when you feel them moving inside. Babies can recognize the voices of their parents and other family members even from inside the womb. It is good for you to play them music and even read them stories even if they are not born yet.
They can taste what you’re eating
Babies are able to taste what their mother’s are eating when they ingest some of the amniotic fluid they are floating around in. Your baby can develop tastes for certain foods even before they are born.
Pregnant people may get diabetes
This is called gestational diabetes. It can develop when a woman is pregnant and disappear after she gives birth.
Certain genes can affect pregnancy
There are certain genes that can affect if a couple can conceive a baby successfully or not. Certain disorders such as Turner Syndrome can have an effect on if a woman can get pregnant or not. If you feel that you may have a problem with your genes and that is the reason why you are having a hard time getting pregnant, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor.
Women think differently when pregnant
Recent studies have suggested that the phenomenon of “pregnancy brain” is indeed a real thing. The strange way some pregnant people tend to think really exists. It is also caused by the excess of hormones that are raging through a pregnant woman’s body.
Chances of conception decrease with age
A couple who are at the age of 30 will have a 20% chance of conceiving, and this percentage will go down as couples age. By age 40, after only a mere 10 years, they will only have a 5% chance of conceiving.
Pregnant people produce more estrogen
Studies have shown that pregnant people who are at full term are able to produce more estrogen in one single day than a non-pregnant woman produces in three years!
A new organ is produced during pregnancy
The placenta, which holds the baby inside the uterus, is a completely new organ that is created by a woman’s body when they are pregnant. This new organ in in charge of hormone production to support the pregnancy. The production of estrogen comes from the placenta, this is why pregnant people have more estrogen in their bodies in comparison to non-pregnant people.
Oral health deteriorates when a woman is pregnant
Many women do not know, but they need to take better care of their oral health when they are pregnant. Because their immune system is not as strong as it was when they were not pregnant, pregnant ladies are more susceptible to cavities, tooth decay and other oral health issues.
Cravings can be scientifically explained
It has been discovered that pregnancy cravings have a logical explanation. Aside from all the hormones that are in a woman’s body that make her have strange cravings, another explanation may be linked to certain deficiencies in the body. A craving for red meat can be a sign of an iron deficiency. Although cravings may be normal because of the hormonal changes in a woman’s body, if you are experiencing extremely strange cravings, consult your doctor.
Partners may also experience the same pregnancy symptoms
There are many couples that can swear that the non-pregnant half of the relationship also felt the same kinds of pregnancy symptoms. Although there is no evidence to explain why this happens, some partners may also have the experience of being pregnant, and go through the same ups and downs of pregnancy along with their other half.
The production of fetal stem cells
While a woman is pregnant, her body produces stem cells to aid in the growth and development of the baby. Studies have shown that these stem cells can travel all over the body of the pregnant woman. These cells can also help repair any damage in the woman’s body. They can target worn-put tissues and muscles and repair them. Also, they can help boost her immune system.
Final thoughts
Pregnancy can take you on a whirlwind of emotions from start to finish. It can be a bumpy ride with pain and discomfort in between, but mostly, it can bring happiness and excitement to a growing family.
If you are already pregnant, congratulations to you! Having a baby is exciting but can also be scary at some times. In case you have any questions about anything that is happening to you at any time during your pregnancy, talk to your doctor. They will be glad to explain anything you do not understand, and put your mind at ease if you are feeling anxious during any part of the pregnancy.
These pregnancy facts are generalized, but keep in mind that each pregnancy is different. Just like the beautiful babies you are going to bring out into the world, they are all unique. Enjoy each day of your pregnancy and the new life you have inside of you.