A failed infertility treatment can release an avalanche of sensations. Upon entering the cycle, you felt expectations and built energy, trusting that this would be the point at which your family would begin, and in the meantime you stress. It will work? The moment a cycle fades, you and your accomplice may feel sadness and even outrage. What went wrong? Is it someone’s fault that IVF did not work? Would it be advisable that you try one more time? It is common to regret this misfortune, but do what is necessary to not reprimand yourself or your accomplice. The odds are that the disappointment is not due to anything he can control. Your fertility authority will clarify what may have happened and what you can do immediately.
These are some of the normal reasons why infertility treatment failed:
-Embryo Quality
The real motivation behind why an IVF cycle is not successful is the development of quality of life. Numerous nascent organisms are not ready to embed themselves after the exchange to the uterus because they are defective in some way. In fact, even the development of lives that look great in the lab may have dropouts that motivate them to kick the bucket instead of developing. In almost all cases, it is not so much that your uterus has some kind of problem with it, so it can not transmit a child.
-Age of eggs
With respect to IVF, the age of the ovules is more essential than the age of the woman with IVF treatment. The quality and quantity of a lady’s eggs, known as her ovarian replacement, deteriorate as she becomes more seasoned. This also influences your chances of progress with IVF. In general, only about 25 percent of the fetuses exchanged go on to cause the birth of live children.
-Ovarian response
Sometimes a lady’s ovaries do not react with fertility prescriptions with enough firmness to produce different ovules. In particular, if a woman is over 37 years old or has higher levels of FSH, she may not deliver enough eggs to cause the appearance of several incipient organisms and their possible implantation.
–Chromosomal problems
One of the main considerations in the disappointment of IVF are the chromosomal variations of the norm in the developing life. This is valid for every human fetus, regardless of whether it is normally considered or created in the embryology laboratory. These variations of the norm are the explanation for most unsuccessful jobs and, in addition, the inability to embed in an IVF cycle.
-Lifestyle Factors
Numerous fertility facilities expect women to quit smoking no less than three months before starting IVF treatment. Women who smoke require twice the same number of IVF cycles to imagine and are substantially more likely to give birth prematurely than women who do not smoke. Women who are overweight or underweight are more reluctant to have a fertilized IVF treatment.