A woman’s wellness and healthy lifestyle include diet plans, regular hygiene, and an annual gynecologist exam to support her. Why do women need these examinations? Sexual and reproductive health is vital for women to monitor any possible symptoms of underlying issues. A patient who is suspecting any sexually transmitted infection or disease (STI/STD) should visit a gynecology clinic for an immediate consultation. Don’t forget to trust your health only on a well known medical clinic and always ask about for the doctors’ experience. Cervical cancer may be one of the health risks if a woman doesn’t have a regular checkup from a reproductive system specialist.
Risks In Women’s Reproductive Health
Physical illnesses don’t just come from outside infirmities and diseases. A person’s reproductive system can also experience complications that even lead to one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Women are the most susceptible to sexual and reproductive problems. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), many critical factors that contribute to health risks are unsafe or unprotected sex, violence, and chronic diseases. Moreover, age also affects a woman’s reproduction, sexual organs, and overall physical abilities. Not only body issues are alarming signs for a woman to visit a doctor. Mental health is also a rising trend that also influences the woman’s sexual and reproductive capabilities.
What Is An Annual Gynecologist Exam?
Staying on top of your health as a woman should be one of your priorities for a longer and healthier life. Is it crucial to get an annual gynecologist exam? Yes, in fact, it prevents women from acquiring various cancers, tumors, and sexual diseases that are prevalent today. Many health authorities, like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), promote the yearly examinations for prevention and care. Patients may need a test beyond their gynecological routine due to ongoing treatments from other diseases. A woman should only have an annual gynecologist exam from the board – certified and trained OB Gynecological specialists. Also, gynecology clinics recognize insurances like Medicare to help women pay their medical financing bills.
Types Of Examinations From A Gynecologist
Doctors of sexual and reproductive health, such as an OB Gynecologic expert mentions how it is essential to have early examinations. During the age of 21, or whenever a woman becomes sexually active, the patient should have a yearly diagnosis. A patient may know if their current sexual and reproduction problem is due to history, lack of good maintaining, and unhygienic practices. A part of the examination may also involve other body organs like the rectum, breasts, and other related organs.
- Pap Smear
An initial examination that patients can expect from gynecological checkups is PAP smear. Pap tests are essential for detecting any signs of cervical or HPV (human papillomavirus). It is recommended for ages 21 and above to get tested frequently from a primary gynecological physician.
- Pelvic Exam
A pelvic exam consists of analyzing the internal reproductive system of a woman. Among the organs examined are vulva, vagina, cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus. An OB Gyn expert may determine if patients have sexually transmitted diseases like the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or Interstitial cystitis. Pelvic exams also help doctors to proceed to any medical referral for further complications.
- Breast Checkup
A female that visits a clinic for a gynecological exam may also get their breasts examined by a professional doctor. Breast cancer is among the many fatal consequences in women due to underlying health problems. Moreover, breast cancer is prevalent due to excessive estrogen production over time. The immune system weakens as people grow old. Hence, issues like lifestyle, hormones, and giving birth at an early age can affect how the breasts will become healthier or not.
What Are The 6 Reasons For Having An Annual OB-Gynecology Test?
A woman may need gynecological exams to prevent further cancer and other reproductive issues that can put their lives at stake. Are you one of the patients who may need gynecological exams? If yes, then you should know these reasons that most gynecological experts provide.
- Preventative Care
Irregular bowel movements, pelvic pain, and menopausal symptoms may mean more than just the common reasons to get gynecological exams. Prevention is the first step for women to initiate when it comes to their wellness. Moreover, preventative care also seeks out the best techniques and methods for women that may not need medicine or treatment first. As the famous line goes, prevention is better than cure in many sicknesses and illnesses.
- Issues In Menstrual Periods
What does it mean when a woman starts to have severe and sharp pain from menstruation periods? Menstrual cramps are common due to inflammation of the uterine muscle due to prostaglandins, a substance similar to hormones. The lining of the uterus and the muscles become constricted, and dysmenorrhea may occur for a 3-4 day or 1-week period. If the severe pain goes beyond this standard time range, a patient must visit a hospital for emergency diagnosis.
- Sexual And Reproductive Health
Frequently mentioned in this article is the essence of sexual and reproductive organs in the human body. Not only do females have this issue, but males can also undergo problems in their reproduction body parts. Commonly, bleeding, swelling, and infection is one of the reasons why gynecological exams are vital to take every year.
- Pregnancy And Birth
Pregnancy and giving birth also have many challenges that women need to face. Patients who have Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) may take gynecological exams to know the main reason for this disease. PCOS happens when the ovaries produce more male hormones than usual. It is common for obese or diabetic patients to have PCOS and can stem from heart disease as well. During the pregnancy stage, women need to get at least three months to a monthly checkup for the child’s growth and development.
- Vaccination
Vaccination can also be a part of the annual gynecology exam since vaccines help support a person’s resistance. Viruses and a new strain of illnesses may put a person’s life in danger, especially for a woman who is about to give birth soon. Most of the time, the annual gynecology exam takes part in vaccines, vital signs, and interview or consultation as part of the appointment. This method can also increase having healthy vagina health, which an OBGYN must prioritize. Medicaid may also pay for this fee as part of the plan or package.
- Treatment And Further Monitoring
An annual gynecology exam of the pelvic and other reproductive parts may also need further treatment. If a person has already acquired a disease, it may be best to know what to expect from the annual gynecology exam. You can ask questions to clarify what your gynecological exams may consist of.