Dentistry for children and adolescents

Dentistry for children and adolescents

Pediatric dentists are in charge of dentistry for children and adolescents. These kinds of dentists would be specially trained to care for a child’s gums, teeth and overall oral care from childhood until adolescence. Read more in this article about pediatric dentistry.


What is a pediatric dentist?

A pediatric dentist, as mentioned above, offers dentistry for children and adolescents. From the time a baby’s milk teeth come in starting on the 6th month mark of the first year of a baby’s life, these dentists can start giving care and treatment to the child’s teeth. Without proper dental care, it would be very easy for the teeth of a child to be susceptible to tooth decay and dental caries. If the teeth are not properly taken care of starting childhood, it could start a lifetime’s worth of pain and tooth complications.


Treatments that a pediatric dentist offers

~Infant oral care. This would include oral exams to asses risk for dental caries. The tests can be conducted in both mother and child to accurately evaluate risks.

~Preventive dental care. Nutrition, diet recommendations, and routine cleaning sessions are included in this part of the pediatric dentist’s job.

~Teeth straightening and bite correcting treatment. They can also make early assessments for if the child will need any corrective treatment later in life, based on how their baby teeth would be growing.

~Habit counseling. They can also advise parents about bad habits that can affect teeth, like using a pacifier and thumb-sucking habits.Dentistry for children and adolescents

~Tooth repair. If the child or teen will have any tooth defects or cavities, they can repair the teeth and make them healthy again.

~Diagnosis of oral diseasesOral diseases are closely related to heart disease and other chronic illnesses, so early diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases must be made by a pediatric dentist.

~Treatment of gum diseases. They will also be able to diagnose and treat gum diseases.

~Dental injuries. When children or adolescents have broken, chipped or knocked-out teeth pediatric dentists can care for these dental injuries.


They work to provide the best care for the teeth of young people

Even if baby teeth be replaced by permanent teeth later on, it is still important to take care of these teeth. This is why there is a specialized field of dentistry made for children and adolescents. Younger children find it more difficult to stay still during dental exams and check-ups. Pediatric dentists are specially trained to keep children calm during check-ups. They can also be able to give parents valuable advice on how to make sure that their children have healthy teeth and gums.


If you are in search of a pediatric dentist, it would be a good idea to ask your dentist for advice on where to look for one. They will be able to recommend a good dentist for your child. Having good oral health from the start will prevent them from getting any tooth complications later in life.

Please visit your dentist at Parramatta Green Dental clinic if you need quality dental care for your kids in the Sydney area.

Author: Sarah Alexander