Risks and Effects of Failed Abortion

failed abortion

The accessibility and apparent simplicity of artificial abortion create a false impression for some women concerning to harmlessness of this procedure. But abortion is a surgical operation, and every woman needs to know that failed abortion cannot pass completely without a trace for a woman’s health. Almost every third woman has an abortion after an abortion, and almost every second woman has a termination of her first pregnancy.

Abortion leads to emotional stress, which disrupts the course of all mental and physical processes in the body. It has been discovered that abortion is the main source of gynecological diseases. Unsuccessful abortion often leads to serious consequences, sometimes to irreversible ones.

The most serious complications of abortion are:

  • infertility
  • miscarriage
  • recurrent inflammatory processes causing functional disorders of the ovaries as well as leading to benign and malignant diseases of the mammary glands and women reproduction system.

Almost all researchers note the negative effect of an abortion on the reproductive function of women (premature termination of a subsequent pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, etc.)

failed abortionThus, unsuccessful abortion leads to severe hormonal malfunctions and nervous breakdowns, which affect the woman’s body. Hormonal disruptions can lead to impaired reproductive function and the menstrual cycle.

Each abortion reduces a woman’s chances of pregnancy. In addition, there is a great risk of exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the genitals. The problems with the menstrual cycle can be different: menstruation can become rare and scanty, or, conversely, frequent and profuse, and can stop completely or cause uterine bleeding. About 12% of women, who terminated their pregnancy artificially, have such problems, up to the absence of menstruation. This often happens when an abortion is conducted using curettage method.

So that it is very important to choose the clinic for the abortion procedure correctly. Because the negative effects of failed abortion will not bypass the woman organism, and even can make a truly fatal effect on it. If you plan to have a baby in the future, then it is better to try to avoid an abortion.

Author: Sarah Alexander