Is microneedling for stretch marks safe and effective?

microneedling stretch marks

We have to admit that women are so affected by how their bodies look, especially after a life event like pregnancy and childbirth. So many beauty websites and clinics offer different procedures that can solve almost any beauty flaw you may have, and one of them is the newly discovered microneedling. Can microneedling stretch marks and other skin imperfections like wrinkles, acne scars, and cellulitis be effective and safe? We will all find out here. And if you want, you can read about skin microneedling at this Liverpool dentist site so you can stay updated.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is also famously called percutaneous collagen induction or simply collagen induction therapy. It has been around for years, but the use and the way it is administered evolved and improved over the years, so it is just gaining its popularity now as an effective beauty procedure. It is a minimally-invasive treatment that promises to promote skin renewal and rejuvenation. The procedure uses a device made with fine needles that create tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, triggering the body to create new body proteins called collagen and elastin. Production of these skin ingredients can improve the skin’s texture and firmness. It can also reduce the visibility of some skin flaws like scars, pore size, and stretch marks.

What are stretch marks?

microneedling stretch marksDo you see tiger marks on your problem areas like your tummy, legs, near your armpit, breasts, and your buttocks? Stretch marks are skin imperfections that occur when the skin is stretch to its extremes. This may occur with weight gain, pregnancy, or sudden weight loss. There are also medical conditions that cause you to gain weight or to draw out your skin to the point that stretch marks can be developed like Cushing’s disease and other adrenal or growth problems.

How can microneedling stretch marks work?

You can expect that the stretch marks you want to target are raised and emphasized, often getting a different pigmentation or skin discoloration to make it more visible and noticeable. The science of microneedling is geared towards increasing collagen and elastin production of the skin, making your skin actually repair itself. If you produce these body proteins in an increased amount, the elasticity and smoothness of your skin improve, smoothening out any bumpy lines and evening out the texture of your skin.

How much would it cost me to get microneedling?

The answer to this depends on the area you would want to treat and the severity or extent of the stretch marks or lines you want to remove. There are beauty clinics and beauty specialists who charge $400 to $700 per session, but they also offer promos and discounts for additional sessions or bundles. Expect that for a bundle of 3 sessions, for example, a price tag of $1000 to $1500 can be given, and adding more treatments can actually give you more discounts. For more information about microneedling, do not hesitate to inquire with your trusted doctors to know if this procedure is really the best for you.

Author: Sarah Alexander